This is my digital space… my tiny cove of comfort.

I am a healthcare professional of 10 years (Can’t believe I’m even saying that right now...) I have a passion for creating. On my spare time you can find me reading a good book (or 3.. and yes at once!) writing, crumbling up my writings and picking back up where I thought I left off, creating visual video content on platforms like Youtube, IG or TikTok. But majority of the time I am thinking, planning and executing some random creation that popped into my head at 3 a.m. I enjoy educating people, sharing information I find and helping others exceed in anything that, they put in their mind to do. I am currently in undergrad studying health science. I have a passion for science, and how all things work together.

I originally wanted to launch my blog, for women. That is still the sweet spot, but all are welcome here. Everyone is allowed to take pieces of me that I decide to share with the world, if it can help them in some way. I want a space for you where you can learn, grow and be inspired to become your best self.

If you love learning about mental health, if you need motivation to get physically disciplined… if you never knew how vitamins played a MAJOR role in your life then the health and wellness tab will be your best freakin friend!

If you love wondering why one day you feel good, and the next you feel like CRAP... with no sound understanding then the mental health and spiritual health will be your holy grail babe

If you want to understand how to navigate through obstacles in your 20’s, how to manage your money, how to deal with a crappy break up, or simply how to level up your way of thinking….. then I think the lifestyle tab might need to be bookmarked now.

If you simply want recommendations or enjoy reading about, up and coming products or wellness brands, be sure to bookmark the Collabs tab, as I have partnered with some pretty cool brands so far, & I look forward to sharing my experiences and feedback with you!

Most of all… if you simply need a safe, fun and cool place for some quick reads, and to leave knowing a little more than what you came here for bookmark the entire blog and please join my mailing list. I look forward to you being here, and calling you friend…